Copyediting means revision of written material to ensure that it offers a high level of readability and semantic clarity.
We are certain that you would have toiled adequately to build your content and produce a good write-up. However, to gain the international recognition that it deserves, your article needs to stand up to the scrutiny of even the most stringent peer reviewers and editors. If the article does not meet the necessary English language and presentation requirements, your valuable contribution might go unnoticed. If you have written a piece of text and would like some help to ensure that your text has grammatical precision, semantic clarity, consistency and a coherent and cogent linguistic flow, you have come to the right place.
When you have invested substantial time and effort into your academic work, it can be frustrating when avoidable errors stop you from receiving the recognition you deserve. However, it is not always easy for students to proofread and edit their own work with the necessary objectivity in perspective. Reviewing and revising personal work can be incredibly challenging, which is why academicians, journalists, and other writers generally try to have their work carefully proofread and edited by highly trained professionals, often several times over.
We understand that the life of graduate/PhD student can be hectic; you may not have the time or energy to thoroughly proofread and copyedit your writing, busy as you might be with studying, researching, and attending classes. We also understand that it is cumbersome to remember the specific style-requirements of various academic style guides, because they vary from journal to journal. We, however, have experience in handling multiple style-formats and can help make sure that your article adheres to the standards of the journal you are submitting to. Thus, the need emerges for a consummate professional to handle your writing with the attention and care it calls for, and that means having it copyedited with thoroughness and precision.

We are certain that you would have toiled adequately to build your content and produce a good write-up. However, to gain the international recognition that it deserves, your article needs to stand up to the scrutiny of even the most stringent peer reviewers and editors. If the article does not meet the necessary English language and presentation requirements, your valuable contribution might go unnoticed. If you have written a piece of text and would like some help to ensure that your text has grammatical precision, semantic clarity, consistency and a coherent and cogent linguistic flow, you have come to the right place.
When you have invested substantial time and effort into your academic work, it can be frustrating when avoidable errors stop you from receiving the recognition you deserve. However, it is not always easy for students to proofread and edit their own work with the necessary objectivity in perspective. Reviewing and revising personal work can be incredibly challenging, which is why academicians, journalists, and other writers generally try to have their work carefully proofread and edited by highly trained professionals, often several times over.
We understand that the life of graduate/PhD student can be hectic; you may not have the time or energy to thoroughly proofread and copyedit your writing, busy as you might be with studying, researching, and attending classes. We also understand that it is cumbersome to remember the specific style-requirements of various academic style guides, because they vary from journal to journal. We, however, have experience in handling multiple style-formats and can help make sure that your article adheres to the standards of the journal you are submitting to. Thus, the need emerges for a consummate professional to handle your writing with the attention and care it calls for, and that means having it copyedited with thoroughness and precision.

Why Do I Need Copyediting?
The writing you produce as a student who is pursuing a master’s degree or a PhD can have a significant impact on your future academic and professional opportunities.
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We are certain that you would have toiled adequately to build your content and produce a good write-up. However, to gain the international recognition that it deserves, your article needs to stand up to the scrutiny of even the most stringent peer reviewers and editors. If the article does not meet the necessary English language and presentation requirements, your valuable contribution might go unnoticed. If you have written a piece of text and would like some help to ensure that your text has grammatical precision, semantic clarity, consistency and a coherent and cogent linguistic flow, you have come to the right place.
When you have invested substantial time and effort into your academic work, it can be frustrating when avoidable errors stop you from receiving the recognition you deserve. However, it is not always easy for students to proofread and edit their own work with the necessary objectivity in perspective. Reviewing and revising personal work can be incredibly challenging, which is why academicians, journalists, and other writers generally try to have their work carefully proofread and edited by highly trained professionals, often several times over.
We understand that the life of graduate/PhD student can be hectic; you may not have the time or energy to thoroughly proofread and copyedit your writing, busy as you might be with studying, researching, and attending classes. We also understand that it is cumbersome to remember the specific style-requirements of various academic style guides, because they vary from journal to journal. We, however, have experience in handling multiple style-formats and can help make sure that your article adheres to the standards of the journal you are submitting to. Thus, the need emerges for a consummate professional to handle your writing with the attention and care it calls for, and that means having it copyedited with thoroughness and precision.

QuickSort’s Professional Edge
QuickSort offers online copyediting services for books, textbooks, journals and periodicals, social media write-ups, websites and blogs, product/service catalogues and any other application where there is a requirement for written content.
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We do all of our edits after enabling ‘Track changes’, which ensures that the author retains full control to accept or reject every edit we make. Rest assured that with us, the content of your manuscript is one-hundred per cent confidential and secure.
By opting for QuickSort’s copyediting services, you can avail the services of our expert copyeditors, who edit your articles to a precise standard and ensure that you achieve the best possible results. Our copyeditors are professionals with decades of experience in handling manuscripts, and they will ensure that your manuscript is chiselled and polished to the highest-possible standards of excellence in quality, and thus made ready for submission.
We are committed to providing graduate and doctoral students from all areas of academia with reliable, affordable proofreading and copyediting services. Whether all that your work needs is a little tweaking or whether it needs extensive revision, we are here to help you out.

Wide Scope of Copyediting
While a common assumption is that copyediting ensures that the text of a manuscript is free from grammatical and stylistic errors, the actual scope of copyediting is much wider.
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As opposed to merely fixing grammatical errors, the copyeditor significantly enhances the ease of readability of the text. An editor who is performing copyediting work is not merely looking for typographical errors; these are simply detected by the automated spell-check functions of word processors. Copyediting envisages a broader scope; the copyeditor is required to read the document/manuscript several times and acquire a bird’s-eye-view understanding of the subject being discussed, prior to making the necessary edits.
What are Some Commonly-used Style Guides?
- The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers
- American Psychological Association
- AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors
- MFC Guide – Elsevier
- The ACS Style Guide
- MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing
- Apart from the above, we have a generic style guide of our own at QuickSort, which can be followed in case the options outlined above don’t apply.
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Levels of Copyediting
Depending on the individual requirements of our clients, QuickSort has various levels of copyediting to offer. We classify our editorial services into four levels. Among other factors, the level of editing that is necessary depends on the clarity and ease of readability of the language used in the manuscript.
Basic Editing
Starting atStructuring and styling of references according to your target journal style or industry standards appropriate to your subject area.
- Cross-checking and styling of reference citations according to your target journal style or industry standards appropriate to your subject area.
- Correcting basic typo errors such as double spaces, unwanted periods, etc.
- Structuring the document by assigning appropriate head-levels as per your target journal style.
- Front matter editing as per your target journal style.
- General spelling and punctuation checks.
- Maintaining UK–US spelling usage consistency.
- Styling abbreviations, binomial names, legal citations and chemical names and reactions.
- Structuring and cross-referring floating objects (tables, figures, schemes, etc.).
- Basic grammar check including correcting article usage, subject–verb agreement and use of prepositions.
Medium Editing
Starting atAll the points mentioned under ‘Basic’.
- Ensuring consistency in hyphenation, en-rule and em-rule usages.
- Ensuring consistency in Eponymous word usages (e.g., Kanzaki disease vs. Kanzaki’s disease).
- Checking for the use of oxford comma, the use of commas before coordinating conjunctions and other comma usages.
- Checking consistency of capitalization.
- Complete grammatical check including making corrections to introduce appropriate conjunctions, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs.
- Checking for semantic redundancies and errors and highlighting these to the author.
Advanced Editing (Indian Editors)
Starting atAll the points mentioned under ‘Basic’ and ‘Medium’.
- Improving clarity, readability and overall language usage.
- Rephrasing and rewording sentences for better clarity without tampering with the intended meaning.
- Plagiarism-check available based on specific client request.
- Ensuring cogency in flow of words and paragraphs.
- Correct all errors in grammar, syntax and usage.
- Checking for semantic redundancies and making corrections.
- Revisions of structure and language in keeping with the author’s intent and voice.
- Rectification of obvious gaps in logic or structure without tampering with the author’s intended meaning.
- Improving the content in relation to linguistic presentation with the help of Indian Editors.
Advanced Editing (Native English Speaking Editors)
All the points mentioned under the previous three headings, but improving the content in relation to linguistic presentation is done with the help of Native English Speaking Editors.
Copyediting – What It Involves
Our copyediting services encompass pre-editing, line editing, language editing, proofreading, indexing, and typesetting.
The pre-editing process involves ensuring that in-text citations and references are arranged according to the format mandated by the journal.
Our typesetting processes produce output in a wide variety of formats, including epub, mobi and pdf.
Language Editing
Clarity of language plays a major role in ensuring whether the article is comprehensible to readers or not.
Line Editing
Line editing refers to the line-by-line revision of written material to improve readability and clarity. Academic papers submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals should follow certain stylistic considerations, failing which the journal mandates a revision for clarity of language/style. We make the publication-pipeline easier for authors by ensuring that manuscripts follow the specifications required by the respective journals.
Proofreading QC
The proofreading (quality control) process involves performing an additional check to ascertain whether any errors are present in the manuscript. Proofreading ensures that the material that is sent for publication is wholly free from error.
Content Style guide – faq’s
In the Context of Publishing, What is a “Style”?
Academic papers submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals are typically expected to follow certain pre-set specifications, failing which the journal may either mandate a revision or reject the paper. These pre-set specifications, which vary from one journal to another, are known as “styles”.
How does Style Guide Affect My Chances of Publication?
To maximize chances for publication, the writer should be familiar with the style guide used for the respective journal/publication house. This is especially true for subjects that involve a high degree of objectivity, such as those falling in the science, technology, engineering and medicine (STEM) category.
How can I Identify the Right Style Guide for My Article?
I am Not Sure Which Style Guide My Article Should Follow. What Should I do?
Will the Copyeditor Also Handle Reference Editing?
Yes! At QuickSort, our editors are familiar with the following reference styles:
• Harvard reference style
• Vancouver reference style
• APA reference style
• AMA reference style
• MLA reference style
• Chicago reference style
What Exactly Happens During the Copyediting Process?
The copyediting process consists of three stages: pre-editing, technical editing, and language editing.
- Pre-editing
The pre-editing process involves ensuring that in-text citations and references are arranged according to the format mandated by the journal. Identification of various elements of an article or chapter with appropriate structuring tags is executed at this stage. Also, formatting of the manuscript, such as fixing the appropriate heading-levels, is taken care of at this stage. - Technical editing
This is the part where the style guide specifications are applied. For example, if the style guide mentions that units should not be repeated for range, we delete all occurrences of units where such a repetition is observed. - Language editing
Clarity of language plays a major role in ensuring whether the article is comprehensible to readers or not. Our experienced team of language editors works with your manuscript to ensure that the information that the author is trying to convey to the readers is recorded in lucid, easy-to-understand language, but without changing the intended meaning.
What about the Safety of my Intellectual Property?
What is a “Style Guide”?
A style guide is a collection of specifications that articles are required to follow, so as to be eligible for publication in peer-reviewed academic journals. Almost every reputed branch of academics has at least one style guide, formulated by a fraternity of professionals specializing in that field. For instance, for medical science, we generally follow AMA Manual of Style.
How do I use a Style Guide?
Will a Copyeditor Help Me Meet the Requirements of Style Guide?
Yes! You can write a draft of your paper, mention the name of the guide that needs to be followed (according to the specifications of your target publisher), and leave it us to take care of the style guide requirements! Our editors have technical expertise and working experience in handling most style guides used in the publishing industry.
What are Some Commonly-used Style Guides?
- The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers
- The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
- AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors
- MFC Guide – Elsevier
- The ACS Style Guide
- MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing
- Apart from the above, we have a generic style guide of our own at QuickSort, which can be followed in case the options outlined above don’t apply.
What is Reference Editing?
Apart From Ensuring Compliance with Style Guide, how does Copyediting Help?
Copyediting refers to the revision of written material to improve readability and clarity. While the common understanding is that an important function of copyediting is to ensure that the text is free from grammatical and stylistic errors, the actual scope of copyediting is much wider. As opposed to merely fixing grammatical errors, the copyeditor significantly enhances the ease of readability of the text.
Will I have to Accept all the Changes Made by the Copyeditor?
Copyediting for Social Media Write-ups
In today’s fast-paced scenario, a person’s social media presence can be the reason for his success or downfall. While we don’t offer social media management as a full-fledged service, our copyeditors can polish content that is written for blogs, social media and websites.
The language used in social media often needs to be different from that used in academic papers, because while academic content is written to inform, social media content is written to attract. Also, social media content should be optimised with SEO in mind, to try to achieve the situation that those who are searching for the relevant information in Google find your content in the first page of the search results. Recognizing the growing need for high-quality language support in the social media sector, QuickSort offers copyediting services for content that is written exclusively for social media.
- Product Information Webpages
- Online Product Catalogues
- Blogs for Marketing Websites
- Social Media Posts
- Online Brochures
- E-Mail Marketing
Our Editors
QuickSort has a dedicated team of in-house editors having the necessary skill-set to work on your manuscript.
Areas of Excellence
These are the areas where the editors at QuickSort have a competitive edge:
- We have an in-house team of experienced editors who, apart from wielding perfect command over the subtleties and nuances of English, are also subject-matter experts in their respective fields.
- We have editors who can handle articles on science, technology, medicine, humanities, economics and law, to name a few subjects. Thus, the edits made to an article are performed by persons who understand the content of the subject which is discussed.
- Our experienced editors scrutinize every sentence in your manuscript to ensure that style and language consistency are maintained across the entire article.
- The core competencies of our copy editors include in-depth subject knowledge, extensive familiarity with various style guides, and a good knowledge of the English language.
- Our copyeditors’ primary priority is to impart clarity and cogency of style to the manuscript and make sure that it precisely communicates the intended meaning to the readers.
Style Guide Competencies
General Guides Our Editors are Familiar With
Our editors have technical expertise and working experience in handling the following general style guides:
- The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers
- The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
- AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors
- The ACS Style Guide
- MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing
Reference Styles Our Editors are Familiar With
- Harvard reference style
- Vancouver reference style
- Embellished Vancouver reference style
- APA reference style
- AMA reference style
- MLA reference style
- Chicago reference style
Our USP’s
At QuickSort, customers always come first.
QuickSort – USPs
- We provide our clients the opportunity to interact, update, train and share comments and feedback with the editors involved in their project.
- Editors with specialized subject matter expertise are hand picked for each project.
- Editors undergo project specific training and continuous quality assessment to ensure that consistent quality is maintained.
- A competitive, short TAT is assured for all our projects. Please upload your manuscript and view the ‘Estimated time’ panel to have an idea of how much time we would need to process your document.
- Our areas of subject-matter expertise include:
- Medical Sciences
- Material Sciences
- Legal Studies
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- We have developed generic and easily adaptable copyediting tools for converting reference lists and in-text citations to the required format.
Our Quality Assessment Protocol
Every manuscript that comes from QuickSort’s publishing pipeline has gone through a rigorous procedure of quality control, through our unique Quality Assessment Protocol (QAP) model.
- Validation Check Tools
We have developed a set of tools to check the quality of the finished product against customer styles and specifications.
- Project Specific Training
Every editor is allocated for a specific project and they are trained for at least four months in that particular project with sample files before they are allowed to handle live work.
- Systematic Quality Check
Every file handled by junior editors is checked by a senior editor. Further, all files are randomly cross-checked by a separate team of QA editors, and the quality reports are escalated to higher echelons of management and recorded as part of our standardized workflow procedure.
Online Copyediting Service
We are certain that you would have toiled adequately to build your content and produce a good write-up. However, to gain the international recognition that it deserves, your article needs to stand up to the scrutiny of even the most stringent peer reviewers and editors. If the article does not meet the necessary English language and presentation requirements, your valuable contribution might go unnoticed. If you have written a piece of text and would like some help to ensure that your text has grammatical precision, semantic clarity, consistency and a coherent and cogent linguistic flow, you have come to the right place.
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When you have invested substantial time and effort into your academic work, it can be frustrating when avoidable errors stop you from receiving the recognition you deserve. However, it is not always easy for students to proofread and edit their own work with the necessary objectivity in perspective. Reviewing and revising personal work can be incredibly challenging, which is why academicians, journalists, and other writers generally try to have their work carefully proofread and edited by highly trained professionals, often several times over.
We understand that the life of graduate/PhD student can be hectic; you may not have the time or energy to thoroughly proofread and copyedit your writing, busy as you might be with studying, researching, and attending classes. We also understand that it is cumbersome to remember the specific style-requirements of various academic style guides, because they vary from journal to journal. We, however, have experience in handling multiple style-formats and can help make sure that your article adheres to the standards of the journal you are submitting to. Thus, the need emerges for a consummate professional to handle your writing with the attention and care it calls for, and that means having it copyedited with thoroughness and precision.
To get your content copyedited Click here